Request return of deposit letter

Renting an apartment can either be frustrating or a breeze depending on the community and the landlord, but when all goes wrong and it comes time to move out, sometimes the landlord isn’t cooperative on returning a deposit. This is when a request return of deposit letter is written so that the tenant has hard proof should the case have to go to court.


Starting to Write


As the tenant, state that the return of deposit is being requested.


State the reason the return of deposit is being requested such as moving out of the apartments.


If applicable and the landlord doesn’t want to cooperate state the next step of action against the uncooperative landlord if they choose to be uncooperative.


Leave contact information that the landlord could get a hold of you by.

Sample Letters

Sample request return of deposit letter

Dear Mr. Whittaker,

I regret to inform you that I am moving out of the community apartments and I would like to have my return of deposit returned to me in full.  Upon moving in on the day of November 5, 2012, you were given a deposit of $525 and I would like that returned to me as I am moving in approximately 30 days.

I’m moving out of the apartments due to noisy neighbors, the apartment not being as advertised and due to your lack of cooperation with me on matters regarding the apartment. You never return my phone calls or letters and this is the last letter that I will be sending you.

If you do not wish to return my deposit, I will be contacting my lawyer in approximately 30 days when I move out. I don’t want it to come to that but if you refuse to cooperate and continue to ignore me, it just might have to. Please take this seriously and return my deposit peacefully within that time frame.


Zackary Lockston