Sales letter to existing customer

Sending out a sales letter to a customer that’s already in your system and has already bought something can be difficult because you don’t necessarily want to try and push them into another sale while they’re already giving you business.

However, sending out a sales letter to existing customers can be a great way to upsell and a great way to get new business as well. Also, it’s much better to do this in writing because if there’s one thing people hate getting more than random letters in the mail, it’s random spam e-mails that they never asked for.


Starting to Write


Congratulate and thank the customer for being a loyal customer. Proceed to tell them that they have ordered from you before and list those products.


List all the products that are for sale and let them know that the deals aren’t going to last very long.


If there’s any kind of policies or guarantees on the items, list those as well.


Thank the customer again for their business.

Sample Letters

Sales letter to existing customer - Sample

Dear Customer,

I’d like to thank you personally for being such a long term customer of ours, it really means a lot to us. You’ve been with us for quite some time now and your business means everything to us. Without people like you, our business wouldn’t be able to function and wouldn’t exist.

I would like you to know that while you have ordered some bi-lingual learning tools from us before, we’re having a super sale on some of our advanced courses that might interest in you. You took an interest in learning German; well we have Advanced German training lessons from our most popular software series for only $9.99!

There is also a lot other languages on this super deal as well, so act today and don’t hesitate, or it may be too late. Thank you for your business and I hope we can continue working together.

