Announcing a graduation

A graduation is one of the highlights of a lifetime. It signifies a transition in a career and a time to move onto something bigger and better. However, when a graduation takes place, loved ones and friends are going to need to know when the graduation is taking place. These are usually handled by the parents of the student but it’s still beneficial to know how to write one.


Starting to Write


Formally address the friends and family.


Announce that there is a graduation and announce who it’s for.


If there’s a set time and place, it should be included. People need to know ahead of time if they’ll be able to make it or not.


If gifts or dishes are required, then include this as well. Most of the time grad ceremonies are casual but sometimes people ask for dishes.

Sample Letters

Announcing a graduation Sample

I’d like to announce to all of my friends and family that I have announced from Ohio State University with a degree in Computer Science. I’ve also taken up an internship at a video game company in Santa Monica, California in just a couple of months.

I’d like to thank everyone for all the support over the years and I’ve always looked up to those who gave me advice as well. I will not be hosting a party but I will be writing another letter for those who wish to keep in touch with me.


Jason Mackson