A letter of hardship is a document explaining your circumstances in a certain situation, usually pertaining to the fact that you can’t pay a debt. These letters are very commonly used when people can’t make their house or credit card payments, and are looking for a little leniency from the person who gave them the loan. They are not always successful, but they are an important step in preventing the foreclosure of your assets.
Be clear and truthful about your circumstances. Creditors will often settle for an amount you’re guaranteed to pay, rather than forcing you in to a situation where you may not be able to pay any of it.
Try to stick to facts and evidence, and backup your claims with statements. A sob story on its own likely won’t make a difference.
Don’t be rude or outright refuse to pay. The purpose of this letter is to explain the truth about your hardship and that you’re willing to pay as much as realistically possible.
Royal Bank
3438 Carriage Court
Fort Irwin, CA 92310
Dear Royal bank,
I am writing this letter to explain the current circumstances surrounding my non completion of the last three credit card payments.
On December 25th, my brother’s house caught on fire. Due to his dire circumstances, I had no choice but to lend him a sum of money to get back on his feet until the insurance company made a payment to him. Due to this, I did not have the available funds to make my credit card payment.
As you can see from my payment history, I have never missed a payment. My brother will be paying me back in three weeks, and I will be able to make up the difference then.
Thanks for your consideration,
Clark Baker
Dear Mortgage Department,
I am writing this letter to explain my current financial situation and why I have been unable to make recent mortgage payments. Currently I still cannot make payments, though I’m working hard to turn things around. I am hoping that we can come to a loan modification agreement.
My husband was recently diagnosed with a serious condition that has confined him to a wheelchair. Because of this half the household income has been cut and we have fallen behind with the mortgage. Please find enclosed bank statements the recent changes in income.
I am currently looking for further work and my husband’s disability checks will begin in the next few weeks, therefore I feel this hardship is only temporary, and going through a foreclosure will not be beneficial for either party. As you are aware house prices have fallen.
I propose that you temporarily suspend or reduce repayments for two months, so we can right the situation and move forward as normal. I believe this is enough time to replace the lost income and pay off arrears.
With have two children and this home is very important to us. Please advise if this loan modification is acceptable, or any other options for avoiding foreclosure.
Respectfully Yours,
Madelyn Burney
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to notify you in advance that I will be unable to make my mortgage repayments for the foreseeable future. I am requesting your assistance in setting forth the short sale process, before I get considerably behind and foreclosure is more likely.
When I purchased the property in 2007 I was employed by Chase Bank (see bank statements) and I had a very reasonable salary. Unfortunately due to downsizing in my department I have lost that job and am unable to find a similar position elsewhere. It is just not possible to make the monthly payments at the current rate.
I contemplated putting the house on the market earlier this year, however real estate prices have plummeted, and I owe more on the mortgage than what the property can sell for. Therefore I feel a short sale is the most beneficial option for both parties.
Please advise me further on this matter and let me know of any other financial documentation you may need to assess the situation.
Mrs. Appleton
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter on behalf of my husband Alexander Martinez in support of an extreme hardship certificate so he can join me in the United States, where I am legal citizen of two years.
He originally resided in the US illegally as young adult (he is now 43) but was deported 6 years ago when the company he was working for was involved in a legal matter. As a laborer this was not his concern, but all illegal employees were deported back to Mexico.
My husband has worked hard all his life while in the United States, has never been arrested for any crime and has even paid taxes, however because of this unfortunate incident he has a black mark on his name when applying for a Visa.
In recent months he has come down with a debilitating illness that has prevented him from working in Mexico, and that is not been treated effectively by doctors.
I plead with you to grant him a waiver for extreme hardship so that he can join me, his wife, here in the United States and have at least a chance of survival and a happy marriage.
Respectfully Yours,
Shaul Martinez
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to ask that my summons to Jury Duty on March 12, 2013, either be deferred for at least a year or excused indefinitely.
I am currently in great financial hardship and I cannot afford to abandon my plumbing business for two weeks, even if expenses are reimbursed. I am the sole employee and have several jobs booked over this period. If I have to cancel them this may damage my reputation and prevent me from getting further business, at a time when I am in debt and struggling with mortgage payments.
I understand that Jury Duty is a civic obligation, and under normal circumstances I would love to take part, but it is simply not feasible at this time.
I appreciate your understanding and look forward to your advice.
Aidan O’Connell
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to notify you that I can no longer meet the terms of my medical bills, stemming from knee surgery that took place on August 01, 2013.
My husband recently passed away meaning household income has greatly decreased. Currently I can only just cover my daily living and housing expenses. I am doing everything I can to improve my financial situation, including applying for a second job, but I’m a long way off being able to pay the monthly amount due.
With that in mind I request that we discuss the possibility of a more manageable payment plan. You can contact me via phone on (626) 675-0295. I am available most evenings for a face to face meeting.
Thank you for your understanding.
Mrs. Tanya Forrest