When a tragedy or news that doesn’t have a happy ending happens, some people want to know that others share their condolences with them. A thank you for condolences letter is sent to people who share their condolences and offer to help people in times of grief or need.
Thank the person for sending their condolences and any help if that they have currently offered help.
If you would like anyone else to have condolences shared with them, please mention their names and contact information as well if the situation calls for it.
Dear Lilly,
I honestly can’t express how much your letter meant to me as I go through this trying and tough time to navigate. Jason and I were the best of friends and we even survived in the Army together. It’s such a shame to see what happened to such a strong person who has given us inspiration throughout the years. Thank you for the king words and I hope to see you at the funeral.
Alex Markson
Dear Randy,
Thank you for the kind words and the warm feelings during this trying time. I appreciate the flowers and cards that you’ve sent my mother and we’re all praying for a speedy recovery. I can’t thank you and the people who have sent their condolences to me enough as her survival chance is already low. We can only sit here and hope that she pulls through this.
Dear Jason,
Thank you for all of the letters I have received from everyone and from you especially Dad. My wife meant more to me than most people know and it was such an utter tragedy that shouldn’t have happened. Live will go on over time but nothing will heal the wound left behind. I will be holding a funeral in her home town and I would love it if you would join me. My number is 128-203-4917.