A requesting action sample letter is one of the most straightforward letters you can possible write. Usually you won’t have to spend any time persuading an individual to take action or share information as they’re very to the point and short. Quickly name off the objective and state what you hope to accomplish.
If you see something that you’d like to take action on or would like to do in your local news or paper, tell the recipient right away.
Request information such as times, costs, the where and the when. Also make sure to bring up any qualifications they may have.
List your contact information to get a hold of you by and thank the reader for their time.
Dear Roger,
I noticed in the paper you had an advertisement up saying that you were selling cheap guitar lessons and that you were a certified instructor. I was highly interested in the ad and I was wondering if I could get some more details and wanted to know when I could begin if it was something I chose to pursue. I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar but never got around to it.
My questions are:
Please call me at 387-102-3498 to confirm details of this class.
Michael Rottenwood