Letter of Good Conduct

A letter of good conduct, also known as a police statement, is a letter you get from your local or state police department. It’s purpose is to show that you have been an upstanding citizen and have not gotten into any trouble recently. These are usually required for people who wish to work with children, or in any other social situation someone with a criminal record would not prosper. It usually takes a few weeks to get a letter of good conduct from your local police department, so if you need one, request it as soon as possible. If you do have a few incidents on your letter of good conduct, there is a good chance that you may be rejected for the job you are looking to apply for. It may be a good idea to accompany your letter of good conduct with a supplementary letter, explaining your offences and the conditions surrounding them. This doesn’t always work, but it is definitely worth the try if you really want the job!


These letters are requested often by employers in New Jersey (NJ), San Diego in California, and Connecticut (CT). They are also sometimes used in immigration when applying for a visa.


Starting to Write


Politely contact your local police authority with your personal details and a request for the letter. This can be by phone or in writing.


Make a copy of the letter and include it with your job related files.


Present it with other documentation during a job interview or at an employer’s request.


If you have any minor offences, give a brief explanation as to why they will not affect your application. E.g. You were a teenager and you’ve grown out of that phase.

Sample Letters

Letter of Good Conduct Sample

To Whom It May Concern:

The Connecticut state Department of Public Protection has carried out a police background check on Mr. Paul Faulkner, DOB: July 12, 1962.


Our database has determined that Mr. Faulkner does not have any arrests, citations or criminal record in CT.


This request was made by the named individual, and the search was conducted on our in-house database. Results only pertain to the adult record, meaning there was no juvenile record or that it met state criteria to be expunged.


Prepared By: Ellie Colvin


Records Unit