Status update request

When you have an ongoing project or you have something that’s currently being worked on, you can send a status update request letter to find out where the project stands. This is a good way to get ongoing updates about a project and to find out when a completion date may be near. This should be a very short letter with only a few sentences, to get a simple answer.


Starting to Write


Mention the project or product you’re inquiring information about.


If you have a due date, be sure to mention that date.


If there’s any further information that’s needed to help the vendor out, mention that here.


If there’s a date which you would like to see a status report, include that here as well.

Sample Letters

Status update request - Sample

Dear Mark,

Hey Mark, it’s been a couple of months and I was hoping to get a status update on the website and just how functional it is so far. I understand that the About Me page is done but I’d like to get some status updates on the rest of the site project and know when it will be ready for launch. As you know the launch is in exactly three weeks from today and I would appreciate it if you could give me a status update in the next week at my phone: 192-392-2018.


Jason Coleman