When a company is going to change their name or needs to make the announcement, the letter doesn’t particularly need to be too long, it only needs to explain the circumstances and that the company is changing their name.
Sometimes it can be hard to go through a name change because customers recognize your business by the name but sometimes things come up or a name change is for the best. Either way, it’s best to send out an announcement of a company name change letter to everyone affected by the change. Address everyone involved such as management and higher up officials who can in turn mail your letter out to customers and staff.
Depending on the size of the office, you could even mail everyone directly.
You have to announce the name change with enthusiasm and excitement, no matter why the change is taking place, so go right out and announce it.
State what your old name was and now the new one.
Why is the name changing? State that here.
Reassure customers that the quality of products will continue to be the same.
Dear Staff/Management,
Here at ModernWorld, we have always prided ourselves on our name and we have always served customers in the best way that we knew how! Well, I’m pleased to announce that as of January 5, we will be called FutureWorld!
The name change comes after a long decision between me and the board, and we decided that we were going to think in terms of future rather than the now, which explains the switch from modern to future.
Rest assured though that the quality of our products will continue to be the same, as it’s only a name change.
Jason Rosso